
Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust 2024 Aquatic Permit & Entry Flag

Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust 2024 Aquatic Permit & Entry Flag
Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust 2024 Aquatic Permit & Entry Flag

Getting on the water is a great way to enjoy Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust so Brisbane Festival works closely with Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) to manage vessel safety on the Brisbane River. Recreational vessels wishing to attend Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust on Saturday 31 August 2024 must obtain an Aquatic Permit and Entry Flag to gain access to the two- temporary spectator mooring zones established in the Town Reach of the Brisbane River.

Getting on the water is a great way to enjoy Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust so Brisbane Festival works closely with Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) to manage vessel safety on the Brisbane River.

Recreational vessels wishing to attend Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust on Saturday 31 August 2024 must obtain an Aquatic Permit and Entry Flag to gain access to the two- temporary spectator mooring zones established in the Town Reach of the Brisbane River.

Only vessels 18m metres or less in length will be permitted to access the temporary spectator mooring zones established in the Town Reach of the Brisbane River.

Please note:

There is a strictly limited number of Aquatic Permits available and they will be issued on a first come first served basis

Only vessels 18 metres or less will be permitted access to the two-temporary spectator mooring zones

You can only collect one Aquatic Permit and Entry Flag

Aquatic Permits and Entry Flags are free

Aquatic Permits applications will ONLY be available online.

How to apply for an Aquatic Permit and Entry Flag

To obtain your Aquatic Permit and Entry Flag you must complete the application form online on June 10. Applications close once the 100 applications are filled. If you have completed the online application form, your vessel registration will be verified by MSQ and you will be notified by phone. You permit and flag will then be available for pick at the Brisbane Festival office from July 29 till August 26.

Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust 2024 key timelines – Saturday 31 August 2024

6:00AMSpectator Mooring Zones established in the Town Reach:
Area A - Story Bridge
Area B - Gardens Point

Aquatic Permit and Entry Flag holders may secure their mooring position from this time. Please note, your permit and flag does not guarantee you a particular position within the zones.
5:00PMBrisbane River closes to all recreational vessels between Mowbray Park and the Go Between Bridge. All registered recreational vessels who have obtained an Aquatic Permit and Entry Flag must be anchored in the spectator mooring zones and must remain anchored until the set departure times at the conclusion of Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust.
Vessels arriving after 5:00pm will not be permitted to enter the closed section of the Brisbane River.
Your vessel is NOT PERMITTED to move or depart until your Zone's nominated departure time.
6:15PMCommercial Operators must be anchored in their mooring zone and must remain anchored until released by Marine Authorities at the conclusion of Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust.
6.45PMCitycats cease operation
7:05PMRiverfire by Australian Retirement Trust commences
7:25PMRiverfire by Australian Retirement Trust concludes
7:45PMCitycat services resume operation and Commercial Operators are released by Marine Authorities.
8.15PMArea A - Story Bridge: departures begin
8.30PMArea B - Gardens Point: departures begin
8.45PMThe Brisbane River reopens to all traffic.

#Important Information

The Vessel that you stipulate on the application form must be 18 metres or less and be the vessel you intend to bring to Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust.

The Entry Flags must be clearly displayed on port side of the vessel. It is recommended flags be firmly tied to the vessel’s guide rail or radio antenna.

Any vessel not displaying an Entry Flag will be stopped by Enforcement Agencies and asked to produce a flag. Vessels who have not successfully applied for an Aquatic Permit will not be permitted entry to the Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust restricted areas or the spectator mooring zones. No exceptions will be made.

Your Aquatic Permit and Entry Flag does not guarantee you a particular position within the two mooring zones in the Town Reach of the Brisbane River.

The personal information collected on this application will be used to allow vessel owners to obtain an Aquatic Permit and Entry Flag which permits them to access the dedicated spectator mooring zones as authorised under the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994. Authorised Departmental staff will have access to this information and your personal details will not be disclosed to a third party without your consent unless required by law.

The personal information collected on this application form will be kept and maybe used by Brisbane Festival for the purpose of sending promotional material to you.

Brisbane Water Police will text you a message on the night, advising you when vessels in Zone A & Zone B will be released. Its therefore important the mobile number you list on the application Form is the number of the mobile you will have on board with you on Saturday 31 August

Upon having your registration approved, you will receive an MSQ Chartlette showing the spectator mooring zones, the fireworks exclusion zones and release times for the spectator mooring zones.

Read the conditions on your Chartlette and the MSQ Aquatic Permit carefully, keep all the information sheets provided to you and bring them along on Saturday 31 August 2024.

Remember to keep your radio tuned into Triple M’s for the live broadcast of the Riverfire by Australian Retirement Trust 2024 soundtrack.


Brisbane Festival expresses deep respect to and acknowledges the First People of this Country.