Finucane & Smith's Dance Halls 2022 across Australia is supported by the Queensland Government.
2—24 Sep
Dance Halls
Brisbane Festival and the Queensland Government present
Watch your community shine!
Dance Halls celebrates the beauty of our community under twinkling lights, velvet drapes…and disco fever! It's a whole-of community performance like no other.
Lead by the unstoppable creators of world famous variety, Finucane & Smith who have played to 600,000 fans in 18 countries, combining entertainment with community driven practice.
Global talent. Irresistible music. Festoons and fan-dancing. Torch songs and hot moves.
Come along and watch, or get involved 🕺
- Be in a performance — details here.
- Come to a creative workshop — details here.
- Attend a free performance to watch your community shine - register below.
By Finucane and Smith
Creator and Producer Finucane and Smith Unlimited
Lead Artist Sherwood Uniting Church Hall Yani Mills
Lead Artist Ahepa Hall Jessie Lloyd
Lead Artist Old Inala Hall Rekon Youth Foundation
Lead Artist Forest Lake Uniting Church Hall Casus Creations
Lead Artist YMCA Cannon Hill Community Centre Elements Collective
Lead Artist SunPAC Yenenesh
Lead Artist Communify Queensland Spring Hill Hall Sophiaan Subhan and Ehud Joseph
Lead Artist Stafford Community Place Neridah Waters
Dance Halls is proudly supported by the Queensland Government.
This project is supported through the Giving Program by Carolyn Vincent – Ubuntu Foundation.
Image by Tear It Up.
Production Partners

#Dance Halls
#Stretch those legs
Other ways to get involved 💃
Attend a workshop
Learn how to bust a move, walk a tightrope or make music.
Be a performer
Workshoppers are invited to join in (or wing it if you're a seasoned pro).